Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day 99 - Revenge of the monkeys

Only one day after writing about how mankind is superior to monkeys, the monkeys have struck back. It seems that New Delhi is suffering from a monkey problem, to the extent that monkeys recently attacked the Deputy Mayor, and in 2004, broke into the Ministry of Defence and tore up 'secret documents'.

The end of the article in today's copy of The Australian notes that the city advertised for people to join its team of three monkey catchers, and no-one applied. Three catchers for a total monkey population of around 5500!

Another problem is what to do with all the monkeys. Well, in the 1930's, an enterprising couple came up with the ultimate spectator event - greyhound racing with monkey jockeys. Absolutely true. Ah...the 1930's. Tremble in fear Loretta and Charles David, should the RSPCA ever develop a time machine and a penchant for freeing monkeys.

Stay tuned - more posts on turning 30 coming soon. Promise!


Anonymous said...

are you jeebus?

Anonymous said...

Dre, I'm gunning for you to make it. 98 days to go dude, how hard can it be?