Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Days 71 to 78 - Special Catch-up edition

Well, yes. It's been a while between drinks. Not literally, of course. I mean that it's been a while since I posted on this blog. Hopefully you have all used this time to catch up on some of the old posts.

You haven't? Well, go do that now. I'll wait.

Oh, you're back. Look, I'm sorry I haven't posted. But I'll make it up to you with this grab bag of goodies. Yes, a bribe.

Firstly, here is a site that provides you with monkey related news. It's a trifle serious for my tastes, but beggars can't be choosers when it comes to monkey news!

All right, if you didn't like that one, visit this blog. This blog puts my monkey related postings to shame. Way to blog! Blog. Blog. Blog. (It sounds funny if you say it over and over.)

Now here's something even better. Monkeys performing parodies of classic movies. Oh Youtube, how did we ever survive without you!

First up...have you ever wondered what Yoda would be like...as a monkey? I know I have.

Second up...Die Hard (Monkey Edition).

There's heaps more of these on Youtube, go look!

OK, I admit that this was a pretty weak post, but everything should be back on schedule next week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally I found your blog.

Well... it wasn't hard, it's just that i'm astoundingly lazy. Evidently, cause I'm reading it at work. It's 10:45am... no sign of work as yet... nup... back to blog reading ;)

Have a good day!
